If you've been busy and are constantly singing Can You Focus On Me, it's probably time to do that to yourself. You can do this by planning Selfcare Days regularly, even better structurally. Below are a number of beautiful self-care rituals that you can practice on a Self-care Day.
Inside Out
The most important thing is to turn inward for a moment. What has kept you busy? What emotion(s) do you feel and why? We are so often busy with what is happening outside of us that we do not "find" time to see what all these influences are doing to ourselves. Dare to look within and reflect on what your internal conflicts or beliefs do to you and then dare to see what it does to your environment, positive and negative. It is not always nice to reflect because a mirror is held up to you that also shows you sides that you are less proud of. But remember: You are a work in progress. The keyword is: progress. As long as you keep moving and developing, there is progress.
Tip: Record your progress in a notebook or diary. One day you will enjoy being able to read it again and see clearly what steps towards progress you have been able to make.

Shortly Offline
I don't know if it's because I'm getting more mature or if I've always had hermit qualities, but being offline for a while (especially social media) is a treat for me. Okay, that's not entirely true, because YouTube has me in its grip at the moment. According to the research in this article by RTL, high use of social media leads to less satisfaction with life. I don't know about you, but I give myself joy in life, so on that basis I consciously choose to reduce the use of social media (look at us adding selflove in our selfcare routine).
Body & Mind(set)
Then listen, Selfcare Day equals Spa Day a little bit! However, self-care puts the priority on what is good for you and not just on what you want to do. Unfortunately, we sometimes want things that are not so good for us. Find a balance that you can enjoy in the short and long term. I say Yay for Spa Day, but let's workout first. I know, it doesn't sound like something fun to many, but this also has to do with how you look at it. Try to turn from “I don't want to do this because I don't like it” to “I do this because I love myself and I can express this by taking care of my body”. Eey, this seriously helps! No joke, it is difficult at first, but slowly you will see that your perspective will change.

Spa Moment
Grab your favorite creams, lip, face and eye masks. While your body is marinating in care supplies, a nice magazine, book, podcast or an exciting movie can keep you company. Top it all off by lighting a nice candle while enjoying one of your favorite snacks. Happy Self-care Day!
